Senin, 28 September 2009

Meaning Of Meet Allah

I want to try to write what I think about “meaning of meet Allah”. Because sometimes we still confuse about this. I don’t know from where I must start this.

In a pre-history, when human had not already knew the religion of Allah SWT., which brought by His prophets, everyone only knew what animism was. They felt that they had already “met” Allah, only with worship stones, trees, and any big things in this world.
Time had been changed, when religion began to enter the human daily. The religion grew, not only one. But animism was still in this world. Because the religion had not already touched every part of world.
In the middle ages, when all of the religion had already touched every part of this world, a belief that no God in this world was appeared. Soviet grew atheism to every parts of this world. Bingo! Everyone started to loose their faith. “no” God in the real life started to make everybody thought “where is Allah? Why Allah does not here? Where is Him?”
Atheism is still in this world until now. Even change to be more horrified. Human is treated as slave by money and material. Only a few person who can worship Allah. How about the others? Nonsense! They only want to chase money and material. They don’t believe Allah again. They think that no God in this world. For them, money is God, and God is money. Without money, they feel that they are nothing. na’udzubillah….
So, the meaning from meet Allah is depended of who mean it. Not only one individual, but also all person in this world.

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